Treatment Committee
What is the Treatment Committee?
The primary purpose of a Treatment Committee is the same throughout the United States and Canada, to carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers. There is probably no better place for an A.A. member to find a suffering alcoholic than in a treatment facility or outpatient treatment setting.

What does the Treatment Committee do?
Members of Treatment Committees work to carry the A.A. message into treatment settings where suffering alcoholics, and the professionals who treat them, may be introduced to A.A. Along with this, members set up means of “bridging the gap” from the facility to an A.A. group in the individual’s community.

Treatment Brochures

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Here is the meeting schedule:
- Male/Female * Monday, 7:35PM – 8:35PM
- Male/Female * Tuesday, 7:35PM – 8:35PM
- Male/Female * Wednesday, 1:30PM – 2:30PM
- Male/Female * Thursday, 7:35PM – 8:35PM
- Male/Female * Friday, 7:35PM – 8:35PM
- Male/Female * Saturday, 2:00PM – 3:00PM